The Cattle Farm in the Land of the Spirits


Obododimma Oha

It is bad enough that the patrons of the imagined cattle farm in the land of the spirits are putting hard-earned money into the accounts of their enemies terrorizing them. Worse still when people who have embraced Christianity and Western education are being fooled into thinking that their dead relative, maybe their late great grandfather, is asking for ihe maghara ọdụ (what throws its tail that way and that way, a local Igbo metaphor for a cow). If one is unable to provide the cow offering, or provides one when his father-inlaw dies,  the dead great grandfather gets angry in the spiritworld and comes and kills his grandson who has just married and is struggling to find his feet. His late envious grandfather must be a heartless and thoughtless terrorist! An utterly useless fellow, was he not there when someone killed his other son and he could not retaliate as a spirit? He has a cattle farm in the spiritworld, just as humans may be mere cattle to spirits who are rearing them on a farm called “the earth”. And he could not lobby or convince them to stop slaughtering us for their meat! This idiot who slaughtered his grandchild from the spiritworld was there when a dictator became head of state and has been perpetrating atrocities and promoting others.

Another paragraph on his idiocy! If this terrorist really left the spiritworld for our world and came to kill his grandson, maybe with an AK-47 rifle, he must have come as a terrible demon. Apology to pastors who know demons by their names! He must have been a demon right out of Hell for him to just come and kill his struggling grandson. And how can God allow the demon to come out of Hell and cause mayhem? Why didn’t he just clip his tattered wings? I thought that the archangel defeated him when he attempted to cause mayhem last time? The point is this: the envious great grandfather must have been in hell all the while to be able to ask for a cow in our world; he couldn’t have come from Heaven and God would sanction the terrorist act! For him to leave Heaven and come and do an evil act! It is unthinkable! So, he must have come from hell! And has been a demon.

When some people try to modernise and rationalize their superstitious inclinations, I get worried. Do you know how spirits reason? they query. Have you been to the spiritworld? And all such funny questions. No; I have not been to the spiritworld and do not know how spirits reason, but I know that spirits are spirits and have no need for a mind. So, they don’t reason or have no concept of reason, at least, “reason” as we know it. When the cow is slaughtered, the spirit of the great grandfather won’t drink its blood; won’t even eat its shit! Not to talk of partaking in eating the beef. Spirits have no business with concrete things like cow blood and cowshit! Spirits are spirits, intangible.
My suspicion is that his great grandfather was reformatted long ago and he lost all his files. It he meets his grandson, he won’t even recognise him. He has even forgotten that he voyaged to our world once upon a time and that there is something called “candy”. The great grandfather has another life now and has forgotten our world. So, he has no business with ihe maghara ọdụ!

When some people in their crafty nwannadi politics want to pull you down or retard your progress, they start recruiting the fictitious spirit of your great grandfather to ask for a cow. Or when they want some beef to share, they start  speaking for the dead ancestor. That is even why you have to understand nwannadi politics and the economic dimensions of this insistence on giving ancestors cows, instead of treating them as mere folktale. When you speak of postcolonial Africa and its backwardness, think of the cattle farm in the spiritword, too. What devours the okra plant is crawling underneath and even lives there permanently.
